Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Modern Family"

                                                               "Modern Family"

What is a modern family? It used to be a husband, a wife, and two to four kids. But now there is a diverse number of ways we can define a modern family. The sitcom "Modern Family" uses comedy to answer this question. To be honest I haven't really watched the show that much, but it's recent popularity has caused me to tine into a few episodes. The show is hilarious, mainly because this stuff could happen to you.

Describe :
 "Modern Family" is a smart and witty show that looks into the fabric that makes up a family in today's society. The cast is hilarious. With the dad Jay Pritchett and his trophy wife Gloria, Gloria's son Manny. Jay's daughter Claire and her family, husband Phil Dunphy, and their kids Haley, Alex, and Luke. Along with Jay's son Mitchell and his partner Cameron Tucker(or Cam), and their adoptive daughter Lily.

The episode I watched was "When A Tree Falls" which aired as the ninth episode in the fourth season. Jay is taking his stepson Manny to a birthday party, and while he is their Jay runs into Phil who is because Luke was also invited to the party. Jay, not wanting to stay at the party, tries to not be seen by Phil but Jay is not fast enough. Phil ropes Jay into hanging out with the other dads. Meanwhile Jays wife Gloria, who is about nine months pregnant, is having to be watched over by Jays daughter Claire. Claire and Gloria get into some shenanigans at the mall, Gloria bails them out by faking going into labor. During all this Cam ropes Mitchell into saving a tree in their local park. From there on it laughs a plenty throughout the episode.


  -Ford Fusion
  -Swifer Sweeper
  -J-C Penny
  -Dove soap
  -Bed Mart

Analyze :

"Modern Family" takes a unique look into the makeup of a 21st century family. It is filmed like "The Office" with a documentary crew following the family. The humor in the show comes from the real to life feel the show has. Like Phil constantly trying to win his father in-laws approval, or the old school Jay learning to cope with his family after marrying a younger woman. That is why the show is so popular because this stuff can and probably has happened.

Interpret :

"Modern Family" perfectly taps into what a family is in today's society. It is all the trials and tribulations we go through on a daily bases. Weather it be an adult issue, a pre-adult issue, or a kid issue this show touches on it. Like in this episode Jay is having to deal with the unaccountability of getting older, while his son is having to deal with commitment, and his granddaughter having to deal with the repercussions of getting kicked out of college. The show certainly hits its demographic.

Evaluate :

"Modern Family" is a smart show, in the way(as I have stated before) that it paints an accurate picture of family life in the 21st century. The show is also bold into looking into the gay family life, and with that it shows that no matter your preference we go through the same experiences. The show has been winning awards since its debut, recently picking up a SAG award for best ensemble in a comedy series. Along with numerous nominations. The show has a huge number of followers in its 9 p.m. time slot on ABC.

Engage :

Like I have said before, I have only recently been watching "Modern Family." If I haven't watched them during their time slot, I get caught up on Hulu plus. My entire family watches the show regularly. I do not follow the show on Facebook, but might start to soon. The writing and casting of the show are its strengths, you feel like it is a camera crew following a random family.

Conclusion :

"Modern Family" truly is one of those rare gems, that come along once in a while. The real feel of it is the driving force. The dynamic that the cast sets makes it enjoyable to watch. This is a show that appeals to all audiences with its true to life humor. I really do recommend "Modern Family" to everyone. It is one of those shows that can make you laugh and also make you feel. You can catch it on ABC at 9 p.m. or on Hulu plus.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Django Unchained" The "D" is Silent

 File:Django Unchained Poster.jpg

It's 1858, somewhere in Texas. A group of five slaves are being lead through a desert, when out of the dark desert night a light appears. As the light gets closer to the group we see that a horse is pulling a man on a carriage, with a quite humorous large tooth atop the carriage. He introduces himself as Dr. King Schultz, a German born dentist, and that he is interested in doing business and wants to purchase a slave. He comes across our hero and title character Django, because Django has seen these Brittle brothers that Schultz is asking about. Then through some ultra violence and humor, Schultz comes to acquire Django.

Schultz then makes a confession to Django that he is no longer a dentist, but a bounty hunter. Schultz makes Django a proposition, that if Django helps Schultz locate the Brittle brothers, then Schultz will help Django find his wife Broomhilda. Schultz also will give them both their freedom, because as it turns out, Schultz hates slavery.

Once the Brittle brothers are located and killed, our two heroes set out to find Broomhilda. Schultz finds out that Broomhilda has been sold to a brutal plantation owner named Calvin Candie. Schultz then devises a plan to get close to Candie. Schultz will pose as a man who is interested in buying a slave for entering into Mandingo fights, which is Candie's after dinner hobby. While Django will pose as Schultz's right hand man with a vast knowledge of Mandingo fighting. 

Schultz and Django are brought back to Candie's plantation, called Candyland, to finalize their deal. On the plantation our heroes learn that Broomhilda is there on the plantation. But it is not smooth sailing from there. Stephen, who is Candie's trusted Uncle Tom house slave, figures out Schultz and Django's true reason for being at the plantation. What follows next is a spectacular shootout ever put in a western film.

Writer/director Quentin Tarantino manages to bring the western genre back and in a spectacular fashion. The film manages to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entirety, with the gripping anticipation that continuously builds up. Continuing to be the auteur he is, all of Tarantino's trademarks are present, a lot of dialogue, humor, and exploding violence.

As for the performances, they are great, from the stars to the supporting characters. Jamie Foxx plays Django, is great as the slave turned bounty hunting sharpshooter seeking his wife Broomhilda. Christoph Waltz is amazing as Dr. King Schultz, the dentist turned bounty hunter. The title of the movie may have Django's name, but Waltz is the clear star with majority of the screen time and perfecting Quentin Tarantino's dialogue. Which is strange that he has been campaigned for awards as a supporting actor for his work in this film. Samuel L. Jackson's scene stealing turn as the Uncle Tom house slave is masterful, in his return with Tarantino.

But the true surprise of the film is Leonardo DiCaprio's performance of the ruthless plantation owner Calvin Candie. As a fan of DiCaprio's work, the surprise is how amazing he portrays the villain so well for the first time in his career. DiCaprio mentioned in a "Today" show interview, that Calvin Candie, "Is the most deplorable human being I have ever read in a screenplay in my life." Mr. DiCaprio hits it on the head. You won't see him standing on the bow if a ship proclaiming that he is "king of the world," but rather a "King Louis XIV" type, as DiCaprio describes his character in "Django Unchained." The character of Calvin Candie not only rivals, but is way ahead of the Joker in "The Dark Knight" as the best film villain we have seen in recent years, he even sports a goatee that the devil himself would be proud of. It is a shame that Leonardo DiCaprio's incredible performance in this film has been over looked by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

With "Django Unchained" writer/director Quentin Tarantino manages to make not only one of the most memorable films of the year, but also one of the funniest. Tarantino has always said that he works with "homages", which "Django Unchained" is full of. From the obvious ( Sergio Corbucci film "Django", along with Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" trilogy) to possibly the not so obvious (Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver"), "homages" Tarantino plays with in "Django Unchained". The cinematography is amazing, including a beautiful montage with Jim Croce's  song "I Got a Name." The music selection is shocking, but it works in a way that only Tarantino pull off.

The film also makes us look at the awful history history of slavery, and we can not look away. Through "Django Unchained" Tarantino reminds of why the n-word is the most atrocious word in any language, and that the atrocities of slavery should not be forgotten so we can never let this happen again.

It is rare that a 165 minute movie can keep your attention throughout the entirety, but "Django Unchained" manages to not to keep your attention and heart racing every minute. I recommend this movie not only for the cinephiles, but for every movie goer. Truly the movie of the year.


                                                                 At A Glance:

Title: "Django Unchained"
Rated: R
Directed and Written by: Quentin Tarantino
Starring: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kerry Washington
Run time: 165 minutes
Playing in Albany At: Regal Albany 7 Cinema
Playing in Corvallis At: Regal Ninth Street Cinema 4
Nominated for five Academy Awards including best picture
Official website

Monday, January 14, 2013

LBCC baseball preview

It may be difficult to think, due to the recent cold whether we have been experiencing, but March 3rd(Roadrunners first scheduled game) is almost upon us. That means our LBCC Roadrunners, led by head coach Greg Hawk, are getting ready to begin their 2013 campaign. The season is not met without some adversity however as the Roadrunners are looking to fill key spots due to departing players from last years squad.

When asked about his feeling toward the upcoming season head coach Hawk says, "The team has been looking good, they played well together in the fall. This is a real spirited group."

The Roadrunners come into the 2013 season off a 21-19 2012 record. The current club also has some holes to fill from last year, none more glaring than the hole that pitcher Michael Bradshaw left. Bradshaw committed to the University of Nevada-Reno, after a year that saw him throw a 1.92 ERA and a 5-3 record for the Roadrunners last year. Head coach Greg Hawk is not deterred though, as he feels he has a lot of interesting guys on this roster that could make some noise this year.

We are a few months away from the Roadrunners opening game, but the team is currently working hard to get better. Head coach Hawk says, "On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the infielders and outfielders are working position skills, situational skills and fundamentals. While pitchers are working in the bull pin,for one hour from 1 p.m. to 2p.m."

Head coach Hawk continued, "On Tuesdays and Thursdays the whole team is together and works on team fundamental drills such as batting signals, base running signals, and situational drills."

The LBCC baseball team faces tough competition in the NWAACC conference, south region, again this year with Mt. Hood Community College looking tough once again and Lane who as head coach Hawk puts it, "Lane has some of the best junior college athletes I have seen."

But head coach Hawk feels even stronger about his team facing high quality competition, coach Hawk also takes comfort in knowing that his team knows what it takes to be successful this year. The season starts for the Roadrunners on March 3rd against Spokane.

                                                                          At A Glance

 The Roadrunners come into this season off of a 21-19 win-loss 2012 record, that saw them finish out the season strong. Previous seasons records and stats came be seen on the conference website at