Sunday, February 3, 2013

Student Leadership Committee: Student Summit

You may ask yourself, what is the student summit? The answer is, the student summit is a student forum to have our voices heard and listened to. The student summit has currently held two forums thus far, with a third being planned. The forum consist of active students and clubs led by the Student Leadership Committee. Eric Noll, student affairs director of the Student Leadership Committee, describes the student summit forum as, "A great way for active students to network and share ideas for student engagement."

The student summit is geared for active student clubs, but is open for anyone who wants their opinions heard. The third student summit is planned from 2-3 p.m. on February 28th in the Fire Side Room. The focus of this forum, as described by Eric Noll, is " To be working on a proposal to reduce student fees."

Eric Noll says, "We are hoping for a large group to help on working to offer major changes to how student fees work on campus."

If you are interested in getting involved, you can follow the Student Leadership Committee on Facebook. Where you will receive updates and information on how to get involved. You can also stop by the Student Leadership Committee office, on the first floor of the Student Union next the Hot Shot Cafe, to receive information. If you may think that you don't have anything of importance to say, you are wrong. All of of voices are important, and this is the way to get it heard. So attend, get your voice heard, and make a difference.

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