Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Gravity" A Modern Sci-Fi Masterpiece

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Director Alfonso Cuaron delivers the science fiction masterpiece of the 21st Century with "Gravity." The film is a stunning visual achievement. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock deliver with aplomb.

"Gravity" brings to us the horrors of the unknown of space, juxtaposed with the beautiful scenery it provides. The film opens up with a breathtaking scene that last for minutes without any cuts. It is visually arresting. The cinematography makes the film. Usual Cuaron cinematographer Emmanual Lubezki crafts a magnificent film with his camera work. Lubezki captures the beauty of space with overall shots, as well as creating claustrophobia with point of view shots. The camera never stops moving, giving the audience the uneasy feeling of space.

The actors of the film deserve special mention. George Clooney as the veteran mission commander Matt Kowalski gives the film it's rock. Clooney plays Kowalski as a cool customer. Even when things seem bleak Clooney gives us reassurance that things will be okay. The star of the film Sandra Bullock gives a performance for the ages. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a mission specialist on her first space exploration. Bullock allows us to connect with her character by wearing her emotions. Bullock takes us on an emotional roller coaster, as we learn about her emotional past, and with the chaos that ensues around her. What makes the performances even more impressive is that it's a two person show. Clooney and Bullock are the only characters we see on screen, and they keep our attention through the whole run time.

The credit of "Gravity" goes to director Cuaron. Cuaron, who also co-wrote and produced, created a sci-fi classic with layered themes. The heavy theme that is played on is the feeling of shipwrecked and abandoned, as well as the resilience to survive. Also with the spiritual theme, as Bullock grapples with the chaos around her, battling the inner demons of her past, and the will to survive. "Gravity" an instant classic that will be talked about for a long time.

At A Glance
Directed by: Alfonso Cuaron
Starring: Sandra Bullock and George Clooney
Rated: PG-13
Run Time: 90 minutes

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