Friday, May 31, 2013

Pete Souza: Photographer of the Week

Pete Souza was born in 1954 in New Bedford, Mass. Souza earned a B.S in Public Communications from Boston University, and an M.S in Journalism and Mass Communications from Kansas State University(Source).

Souza's career began in the 1970's where he worked at the Chanute Tribune and Hutchinson News in Kansas(Source). Souza then moved on to the Chicago Sun-Times as a photographer. He then became the White House photographer for Ronal Reagan, in Reagan's second term.

In 2004 Souza was asked to photograph Sen. Barack Obama during his first term in the senate(source). Souza went on to photograph Sen. Obama throughout his stint in the senate and campaign for the White House. Once Obama was elected president, Souza was chosen as the White House photographer. This means that Souza is the presidents shadow, following him everywhere to take that perfect shot.

Pete Souza has also done freelance work for National Geographic and Life magazines. During this he was one of the first photojournalist to cover the War in Afghanistan after 9/11.

Pete Souza has taken many great photos of presidents, but none more iconic than the situation room picture. Photographers are taught to capture emotion, and no picture is more emotionally charged than this. President Obama's career hinges on this situation. He has everything to gain and everything to loose. Emotion fills the photo.


Pete Souza has an amazing website that is dedicated to his work. You can find it here.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

LBCC Baseball Says Goodbye

Coach Hawk getting ready to coach his final game at LBCC
on Tuesday May 14 2013

May 14, 2013 marked the end of an era. The last home game LBCC baseball history. The fans were out in full force to witness the final games. Coach Hawk personally introduced every player before the start of the game. Every player was met with a rousing ovation.

The Roadrunners came out riding the emotion of the circumstances. The defense only allowed five hits and two runs in the first game.

Ace pitcher Austin Woodward took to the mound in game one. Going the distance, Woodward allowed five hits and two runs, while striking out two.

"We were all really emotional," said Woodward, "We fed off the energy of the crowd."

The offense woke up in the fourth scoring their first run. Then adding another run in the sixth and three more in the seventh. Trevor Nix, Seth Brown, Derek Cartwright, and Jacob Herklotz led the offense with two hits each. Logan Henry and Taylor Higgins chipped in with a hit a piece.

Rocky the Roadrunner helping to get the team pumped up
before game one

"We were really pumped up in the first game and it showed," said Higgins

"We came out and played our style of ball in game one, and we got the win," said Hawk

Riding high off a game one victory, and a roaring fan base, the Roadrunners looked poised for a sweep. But as it is in all sports, not everything goes your way. Questionable calls and mental mistakes led to a 6-5 loss.

"Not every call goes your way, that's the game, and things didn't go our way in game 2," said Hawk.

Christian Morrison got the start on the mound for the Roadrunners. Morrison gave up three hits and two earned runs, while striking out three batters. Clark McKitrick and Joel Shippy came on in relief. Shippy gave up three hits and two runs(one earned).

Derek Cartwright and Reese Merriman led the offense with two hits each. Five players chipped in with one hit each.

"It's been a tough set of circumstances we have been given, but these kids responded by doing something special this year," said Hawk.

The Roadrunners finished second in the south region of the NWAACC behind Mt. Hood CC. Up next for the Roadrunners is the NWAACC playoffs in Longview, Wash. on Thursday May 23.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Roadrunner baseball in the playoffs

The 2013 LBCC baseball team's season, and program, came to an end on Saturday May 25, in the NWAACC playoffs. Due to recent budget cuts the college's baseball team was one of the athletic programs that got cut. The Roadrunners lost an 11-2 contest against Bellevue CC on Saturday.The Roadrunners were able to get 11 hits, but only scored two runs in the 9th inning. The defense played stout for four innings only giving up one run. But a Bellevue offensive explosion in the 5th inning that resulted in six runs for Bellevue.

Clark McKitrick got the start for the Roadrunner's on the mound. McKintrick went 4 1/3 innings, getting five strikeouts, allowed six hits and five runs(four earned runs). Seth Brown led the Roadrunners with three hits in five at bats. Austin Hamilton, Jacob Herklotz, and Taylor Higgins chipped in with two hits.

It was a story of missed opportunities for the Roadrunner offense, stranding eight players on base against Bellevue.

"We had a great run this year, it didn't go our way in the end, but these kids played their hearts out all year. I am extremely proud of them," said Coach Hawk, who was honored as co-conference coach of the year.

The Roadrunners opened up the NWAACC playoffs against Pierce CC on Friday, after a rain out on Thursday. Austin Woodward got the start on the mound, going six innings. Woodward gave up 10 hits, and six runs, four being earned, as well as fanning four Pierce batters.

Herklotz led the offense with three hits in four at bats. Derek Cartwright and Logan Henry added two hits, and three more players contributed with one hit.

The Roadrunners were unable to take advantage take advantage of their runners on base, leaving eight runners stranded again.

The Roadrunner ball club was filled three All-NWAACC players. Infielder Jacob Herklotz, pitcher Austin Woodward, and catcher Trevor Nix. As well as seven players named to the south division All-Star team. Coach Hawk was honored as division co-coach of the year.

The team finished the year at 28-16, 20-10 in conference.

This Roadrunner baseball team gave it their all this season. Under the difficult set of circumstances they soared instead of crumbling to the adversity of loosing the program.

                                                                        At A Glance

Playoff news: Here

Roadrunner team stats/news: Here

Team website

Friday, May 24, 2013

Six Roadrunners Named to All-Star Conference Team

Six LB Roadrunner baseball players have been named to the NWAACC all-star team. Five players were named on the first team. Those players included:
 shortstop Austin Hamilton
 first basemen Jacob Herklotz
 outfielder Seth Brown
 pitcher Austin Woodward
 catcher Trevor Nix.
 Taylor Higgins was named to the second team all-stars for the outfield. The Roadrunners are currently doing battle against Pierce in Longview, Wash. for the NWAACC playoffs.

                                                          At A Glance
Full Team of All-Star teams: NWAACC website

My Neighborhood

Two Corvallis city workers get to work on the city drainage system
on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon
while the two elders observe

A pair of sneakers hang from the telephone wire outside my
apartment of 15th St. in Corvallis, Oregon

The clock tower a top the Benton County Courthouse
in Corvallis, Oregon

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

LBCC Host Diversity Day

It was a blistering sunny May day as LBCC hosted diversity day. The Linn-Benton courtyard was filled with Native American dancer's, information tables from LBCC clubs, and a large number of spectators enjoying the sun and entertainment. The focus of the event was to "Connect Cultures."

During the beginning of the day, the LBCC Gay Straight Alliance performed a mock gay marriage. Four members took part, and was well received by the crowd. The performance and the great reception was a great sign that it was going to be an informative and fun day.

Painted Sky Native American dancers, Chinese dancers, and African drummers graced the courtyard, and put on quite a show for all in attendance. The Painted Sky Native American dancers enjoyed performing and informing the audience of their culture. "This is who we are, and this is what we do, what we believe," said Mary Hager, artistic director for the Painted Sky Native Americans.

The African drummers performed traditional African drum songs. The performers were really animated with their performance, which really drew the attention of the audience that allowed them to engage in the performance.

"We are really proud of the turn out," said Javier Cervantes, director of the Diversity Achievement Center.

"We wanted people to become aware of, and learn about how different cultures live through their traditions." Cervantes said

With the performances of different ethnic, and belief groups, all of the people who made up the audience could agree that the day was a success, as well as a lot of fun

Monday, May 20, 2013

LB baseball vs. Lane CC: Photos

Sophomore outfielder Seth Brown celebrates
an RBI double during game 1 of the Roadrunners
final home game vs Lane CC

Head coach Greg Hawk coaching his final game for the Roadrunners.
Hawk has given most of his adult life to this program and brought
the program to prominence

The Roadrunner baseball team, along with Rocky, huddle around coach Hawk for one
last time at home. The last LBCC baseball home game on May 14, 2003

Sophomore Austin Hamilton gets ready to hit the first pitch of the
game vs Lane CC. Hamilton is the last leadoff batter for the Roadrunner

Monday, May 13, 2013

ONPA Journalism Awards Photos

A group of college students and advisors at the LBCC hosted
ONPA awards ceremony on Friday May 10, 2013 

The Commuter staff from left to right, Ronald Borst, Sean Bassinger,
and Marci Sischo enjoying some coffee at the commons cafeteria
before the OPNA awards

The Commuter's copy editor Ted Holliday deciding on
what workshop to go to during the OPNA awards ceremony

Monday, May 6, 2013

LBCC Diversity Day

A Native American woman performing a ritual dance at the LBCC diversity day
in the courtyard 

A Native American woman performing at the LBCC diversity day

A Native American Man performing at the LBCC diversity day

The Native American group performing at the LBCC diversity day

A man performing with bongo drums at the LBCC diversity day

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Taylor Higgins Profile

IMG_6730.JPG (4467KB, 2592 x 3888)
#9 Taylor Higgins
Photo courtesy of  Michael DeChellis.

 Reno, Nevada has a population of 225,221 and is known as "The biggest little city in the world." Reno is also the place that Roadrunner baseball player Taylor Higgins calls home.

Higgins is a freshman outfielder for the Roadrunner baseball team that currently finds themselves at 22-12 and second place in the NWAACC South Region.

Higgins had a somewhat unconventional path to LBCC. "I was in California and looking for somewhere to play," Higgins said, "I was doing research online and found out that Oregon community colleges had low tuition, and I saw the success that LB baseball has had, so I got on the phone with coach (Greg) Hawk and came to Albany."

"I knew he could play, and I want ball players on my team." Coach Hawk said

All athletes have expectations of themselves going into a season, especially athletes going into their first year with a new team. Taylor Higgins has these expectations of himself, "I knew that to pursue and achieve my goals I was going to have to beat some guys out, so I got right to work when I got here."

In 52 at bats this season Higgins has 18 hits, a .404 batting average with 10 runs batted in, not to shabby for a freshman. 

"He has great batting numbers, which has come from more plate appearances as the season has progressed," said Hawk.

Normally baseball players come to LBCC to play for two-years, but recently tragedy struck the LBCC baseball program. Due to recent budget problems the decision came down to cut the colleges baseball program. With this being Higgins first year at LB it was a tough pill to swallow knowing that he won't be able to play the two-years he came to LB to play. "I am heart broken, completely disappointed in the decision that has been made," Higgins said.

"I expected to play two-years here, and now its gone," Higgins voices his frustration.

"Coach Hawk had been great for us first-year players, calling around to get our names out there to other programs so we can continue to play." Said Higgins

The LB baseball club has been having great success this season. Knowing that this season is the baseball programs "swan song" has provided great motivation for the team to do something great. "It is the stuff movies are made of, you know the concept of the last season being the best season" Higgins said.

The LB baseball team still has two more weeks of games as they get ready for the playoffs. But Higgins is already thanking his teammates and coaches during his time at LB. "I want to say thank you to my coaches for the opportunity I have been given and the memories I have made, but most of all thank you to coach Hawk who gave me a chance."

                                                                             At A Glance
                                                              Taylor Higgins Freshman outfielder #9
                                                                          Player Profile here