Friday, May 31, 2013

Pete Souza: Photographer of the Week

Pete Souza was born in 1954 in New Bedford, Mass. Souza earned a B.S in Public Communications from Boston University, and an M.S in Journalism and Mass Communications from Kansas State University(Source).

Souza's career began in the 1970's where he worked at the Chanute Tribune and Hutchinson News in Kansas(Source). Souza then moved on to the Chicago Sun-Times as a photographer. He then became the White House photographer for Ronal Reagan, in Reagan's second term.

In 2004 Souza was asked to photograph Sen. Barack Obama during his first term in the senate(source). Souza went on to photograph Sen. Obama throughout his stint in the senate and campaign for the White House. Once Obama was elected president, Souza was chosen as the White House photographer. This means that Souza is the presidents shadow, following him everywhere to take that perfect shot.

Pete Souza has also done freelance work for National Geographic and Life magazines. During this he was one of the first photojournalist to cover the War in Afghanistan after 9/11.

Pete Souza has taken many great photos of presidents, but none more iconic than the situation room picture. Photographers are taught to capture emotion, and no picture is more emotionally charged than this. President Obama's career hinges on this situation. He has everything to gain and everything to loose. Emotion fills the photo.


Pete Souza has an amazing website that is dedicated to his work. You can find it here.

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