Wednesday, May 22, 2013

LBCC Host Diversity Day

It was a blistering sunny May day as LBCC hosted diversity day. The Linn-Benton courtyard was filled with Native American dancer's, information tables from LBCC clubs, and a large number of spectators enjoying the sun and entertainment. The focus of the event was to "Connect Cultures."

During the beginning of the day, the LBCC Gay Straight Alliance performed a mock gay marriage. Four members took part, and was well received by the crowd. The performance and the great reception was a great sign that it was going to be an informative and fun day.

Painted Sky Native American dancers, Chinese dancers, and African drummers graced the courtyard, and put on quite a show for all in attendance. The Painted Sky Native American dancers enjoyed performing and informing the audience of their culture. "This is who we are, and this is what we do, what we believe," said Mary Hager, artistic director for the Painted Sky Native Americans.

The African drummers performed traditional African drum songs. The performers were really animated with their performance, which really drew the attention of the audience that allowed them to engage in the performance.

"We are really proud of the turn out," said Javier Cervantes, director of the Diversity Achievement Center.

"We wanted people to become aware of, and learn about how different cultures live through their traditions." Cervantes said

With the performances of different ethnic, and belief groups, all of the people who made up the audience could agree that the day was a success, as well as a lot of fun

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