Sunday, November 24, 2013

Oregon State football continues skid

Oregon State dropped their fourth straight game to the University of Washington on Saturday. With the 69-27 loss, the Beavers fall even deeper into turmoil heading into the annual Civil War game with Oregon. We all know that the season started on a sour note, with a loss to FCS Eastern Washington. But then it appeared that the Beavers woke up. They won their next six games, leaning on a potent and dangerous passing game. Quarterback Sean Mannion was growing play after play. Receiver Brandon Cooks turned into the most electrifying play maker in the country, high pointing passes in double coverage, making defenders miss in the open field. Then Stanford made a trip to Corvallis.

Both teams entered the game with one loss. Stanford had lost two weeks prior to a Utah team that the Beavs had beat earlier in the year. Confidence was high for the Beavers. But that was soon squashed. The 20-12 losing effort left many fans with a lot of questions. Where was that high octane offense? Why go for it on fourth down so many times in field goal position? What happened with the defensive collapse at the end of the first half? Can this team bounce back again? The answer was a simple no.

USC then made a trip to Corvallis, and came away with a 31-14 victory over the Beavs. The offense looked inept, the defense was lost giving up a huge touchdown pass on USC's first offensive play. USC asserted their dominance over the Beavers by having two rushers go over 100 rushing yards. There was no rhythm on either side of the ball for the Beavers. A trend that continued the next week at Arizona State. The Beavers dropped their third straight game by a score of 30-17. The score looks close but that is not indicative of what took place on the field.

The Beavs looked flat, while this could be a result of playing their fifth late night game in a row. But this is the game they signed up to play, so their should be no excuses. The defense forced some punts, but the offense was unable to take advantage. As a result the defense got tired and began giving up big plays. Arizona State running back Marion Grice put up 118 yards and two touchdowns on 24 carries. With the absence of a rushing game Mannion had to put the ball in the air 46 times. While he did go a respectable 31 for 46, he did throw four interceptions.

Now we have a quarterback who is struggling and losing confidence. This is around the time that the offensive coaches would start simplifying the passing game, to restore confidence in a quarterback going into the latter part of the season. But not Mike Riley and Co., nope the passing philosophy continues to be long developing routes deep down field. This puts not only tremendous pressure on Mannion, but also on a struggling and shuffled around offensive line.

This brings us to Saturday against the University of Washington. This was a gut-check game. A game that was going to tell us what team are we going to see close out the season. The team that battled back through adversity to win six in a row? Or the team that has faltered three weeks in a row? Four quarters later we got our answer in a 69-27 defeat. Fans of this program have to be left speechless after a performance like that. The schemes on both sides of the ball were head scratching, starting with the defense. Washington was starting true Freshman Cyler Miles at quarterback, in place of injured veteran Keith Price. This game marked Miles first start at quarterback in college, this should have been an absolute gift for the reeling Beavers. The defense failed to put pressure on the young Miles, by only rushing four defensive lineman. This allowed Miles to scan the field and take what was given to him. This also showed that the Beavers defensive staff must have failed to know that Washington has one of the nations best running backs in Bishop Sankey. The defense was not in position to make any play against the all-everything Sankey, who had two touchdowns and 158 rushing yards at halftime! Thats right at halftime! Once again no halftime adjustments were made, as three Washington running backs went over 100 yards rushing. The offensive play calling continued to put Mannion and Co. into horrendous positions. With long developing pass routes and still no running game, the Beavers failed to put up any points in the first half. Mannion's confidence continued to be chipped away at all night. The only relief came when the clock hit zero in the fourth quarter, signaling the game was finally over.

There were two devastating blows as a result of the Washington lose. One, it marked the teams fourth straight lose. Two, we witnessed the University of Washington's program ascend, while the Oregon State program fell further into their descent. Washington did what Oregon State had to do, over come adversity and right the ship. Drastic moves may need to be made, because what recruits are going to want to be a part of mediocrity? Who is going to want to play in a stadium that is half new, half relic? Who is going to want to play for the "little brother" of the state? Questions need answers. The program is on life support, and needs to be resuscitated fast.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Gravity" A Modern Sci-Fi Masterpiece

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Director Alfonso Cuaron delivers the science fiction masterpiece of the 21st Century with "Gravity." The film is a stunning visual achievement. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock deliver with aplomb.

"Gravity" brings to us the horrors of the unknown of space, juxtaposed with the beautiful scenery it provides. The film opens up with a breathtaking scene that last for minutes without any cuts. It is visually arresting. The cinematography makes the film. Usual Cuaron cinematographer Emmanual Lubezki crafts a magnificent film with his camera work. Lubezki captures the beauty of space with overall shots, as well as creating claustrophobia with point of view shots. The camera never stops moving, giving the audience the uneasy feeling of space.

The actors of the film deserve special mention. George Clooney as the veteran mission commander Matt Kowalski gives the film it's rock. Clooney plays Kowalski as a cool customer. Even when things seem bleak Clooney gives us reassurance that things will be okay. The star of the film Sandra Bullock gives a performance for the ages. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a mission specialist on her first space exploration. Bullock allows us to connect with her character by wearing her emotions. Bullock takes us on an emotional roller coaster, as we learn about her emotional past, and with the chaos that ensues around her. What makes the performances even more impressive is that it's a two person show. Clooney and Bullock are the only characters we see on screen, and they keep our attention through the whole run time.

The credit of "Gravity" goes to director Cuaron. Cuaron, who also co-wrote and produced, created a sci-fi classic with layered themes. The heavy theme that is played on is the feeling of shipwrecked and abandoned, as well as the resilience to survive. Also with the spiritual theme, as Bullock grapples with the chaos around her, battling the inner demons of her past, and the will to survive. "Gravity" an instant classic that will be talked about for a long time.

At A Glance
Directed by: Alfonso Cuaron
Starring: Sandra Bullock and George Clooney
Rated: PG-13
Run Time: 90 minutes

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Post #2 "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia"

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Describe: "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is an American show that started out on the station FX for it's first eight seasons. Season nine has been moved to the new sister network of FXX, with the show being renewed for a tenth season. The show airs on Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm. "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" falls under the sitcom genre. On Wednesday November 13, 2013 saw the season finale of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" with the episode titled "The Gang Squashes Their Beefs." This episode has the five main characters trying to make up for the wrong they have caused others during Thanksgiving. The primary characters of the show are Dennis (played by Glenn Howerton), Mac (played by Rob McElhenney), Charlie (played by Charlie Day), and Dee(played by Kaitlin Olson). The fifth main character of the show is Frank (played by Danny DeVito), who was introduced in the second season as Dennis and Dee's father. The show was created by stars Howerton, McElhenney, and Day. Ads that were shown during the episode were the new Call of Duty:Ghost, Payday candy bars, and Christmas Best Buy ads. 

Analyze: All the characters of the show are narcissist, so no matter what subject the show covers the characters only talk about how everything will affect them. The show is a comedy that deals with current subjects in a humorous matter. The characters almost always talk in a crude manner, and dress like normal people would dress. This gives us the audience the feel that these are everyday people. The show is shot with a hand held camera, giving us the feeling that we are there with the characters. The show isn't really like any other show on TV today, but it is reminiscent of "Seinfeld" with how the characters only care about themselves. What makes the show unique is the dialogue. How the characters talk and what they talk about is hilarious. They cover topical subjects but the way in which they talk about them with ignorance, is almost like a mirror of society today. We all have an opinion on events happening today and we like to voice our opinion, but not all of us do our research. This is how the characters talk, they have no idea what is going on, but they like to hear their own voices. 

Interpret: All the male characters disregard Dee as a dumb girl, even though she does have some pretty good insight. They make fun of her appearance and constantly tell her to shut up while the men talk. This often causes the gang to break up into teams against one another. Beside that I do not really see any stereotypes in the show. I do believe the commercials shown during the show do reflect the target audience. With the commercials of new video games and savings on consumer items come holiday season, and the show catering to the teen ages to adults, these commercials do fit the demographic. If I were a visitor to this country I feel this show would give an accurate depiction of US culture. The show is about people who are all about themselves and at the end of the day do not accomplish anything. 

Evaluate: The strengths of the show are the acting and the writing. Also what really helps the show is that the three leads created the show and have a hand in writing episodes. You can tell in their performances that they are comfortable with what they are acting out and the subject matter they are covering. One weakness of the show is the low prediction cost. You can tell while watching that the show is made on the cheap. This does not hinder the show, because it is focused on characters, but the horizons could be broadened with more funding. Critic reviews on have given the series positive reviews, that have continued to rise as the series goes on. Critics agree the the series is very similar to "Seinfeld." Noting that the comparisons are drawn from the characters. 

Engage: I became a regular viewer my freshman year in college, and have continued up to today. All of my roommates are regular viewers as well as my father. I am a fan of the show on Facebook, and enjoy the updates and insights they provide. Something that everyone might not know about the show is the actors Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenney are married and have two kids together. The aspect makes the show even more funny because they usually clash on the show. 

Conclusion: While researching the show I learned that the show was Danny DeVito was brought on the show to boost ratings, as he was a huge fan of the show. What surprised me is how the show came to fruition. Series creator Howerton and McElhenney came up with the idea of of a guy telling his friends he may have cancer while he only wants some sugar for his large quantity of coffee. I guess it shows that we all start small. For more information visit the "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" website.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

"12 Years A Slave" A Review

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                Wow is the only way to describe what you have just seen when you walk out of the theater after watching "12 Years A Slave." Director Steve McQueen, with his third full feature film, constructs one of the best films of the year. The film follows Solomon Northup, a born free African American who is abducted from his family and sold into slavery. Northup witnesses and endures the harsh truth of slavery in the 19th century antebellum south. 

             The performances of the film are astonishing. Starting with Chiwetel Ejiofor as Northup. Ejiofor's performance is something to behold. The portrayl of a man who has had his life ripped apart, and wants nothing more than to return to his family is harrowing. Ejiofor most profound moments do not come with dialogue, but with his facial expressions. As the film progresses and the horrors of slavery begin to take their toll, we are able to see the pain and suffering on Ejiofor's face. On the other side we get a portrait of ultimate evil by Michael Fassbender. Fassbender plays slave owner Edwin Epps. Epps is a deplorable human being, who has complete disregard of his slaves. Fassbender is terrifying in his performance, as he holds nothing back to give us a realistic image of that point in time. Famous faces show up throughout the film. Actors such as Paul Giamatti as a ruthless slaver. Benedict Cumberbatch as a God fearing plantation owner. As well as Brad Pitt as a Canadian laborer who befriends Northup. 

           The film is shot beautifully and honestly by cinematographer Sean Bobbitt. The film is shot with no bars held. We are forced to look at the brutality that was slavery in America. This is what makes the film work, it makes us look at the sins of the past to make sure we do not allow it to happen again. Famed composer Hans Zimmer provides an exceptional score for the film. Zimmer's score is completely heartfelt and is timed perfectly.

           McQueen, who directs is third film, creates an instant classic. "12 Years A Slave" is not for the faint of heart, but it is the most important film of the year. Surely to be nominated in numerous categories come award season, as well as front runner for best picture. A truly poignant film that will leave a lasting impression on you. 

At A Gance
" 12 Years A Slave"
Director: Steve McQueen
Cast: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Michael K. Williams, and Brad Pitt
Rated: R

Monday, November 4, 2013

The state of football as we know it

                       Since the beginning of the 2013 NFL season there has been 39 players go down with season ending ACL injuries. Players are placing blame to the NFL office, due to the new league rule against hitting players in the head. Washington Redskins defensive back Brandon Meriweather has been vocal in his opposition of the new rule. Meriweather states in a Sports Illustrated article, "To be honest, you've got to go low now, end peoples careers."

                     There would be merit to that, if it wasn't completely false. Meriweather has been fined and suspended one game this year by the league for repeat offenses of hitting defenseless offensive players in the head. What is evident today is that defensive players do not know how to tackle correctly. What viewers and fans see on Sundays is a gross execution of tackling. In no way are you supposed to launch yourself head first into an opposing player. The malicious intent to devestate the health of an opposing player is detrimental  to the future of this great sport.

                 On ESPN's "Sunday NFL Countdown" commited an ultimate sin. The crew of Chris Berman, Mike Ditka, Keyshawn Johnson, Chris Carter, and Tom Jackson reflected on the comments Meriweather gave in his interview. Ditka, Johnson, Carter, and Jackson are all former professional football players, so their insights are normally very valuable. This was not the case on Sunday morning. The four former players all agreed that Meriweather was right in his message, but wrong in the way he stated it. This was extremely disappointing. None of these men even once brought up the proper way to tackle. You are not supposed to fly toward another player with reckless abandon and lay a knock out hit. You are supposed to come under control, scrap the side of your face across their chest. wrap up and drive. This is designed to not cause injury, and is a healthy alternative. Not to mention that the torso of the body offers a bigger target, and more sure tackle, than the head or the knees do.

             So why is this not being discussed? To be honest there is no explanation to why it is not. This is supposed to be a disciplined game, but with the way defenders are conducting themselves, it is not. It is depressing to see former players, who are ambassadors of this game to the next generation, condoning this agregious display of what is now football. This is supposed to be a game of strategy, a game of preparation, a game of perseverance. But what it is being turned into is a blood sport, a game of targeting. This is the discussion that needs to be brought up by the experts at ESPN, who have over 100 combined years of experience in the game. The problem needs to be properly identified and diagnosed by those who the fans listen to. This is a very pivitol point in time for the future of this great game.  The future of this game is at your door step ESPN.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Who could Jack in the Box's demographic be?

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Late night hunger? Well that is what Jack in the Box is looking to cure. The late night munchie meal has arrived.  Guaranteed two tacos, assortment of fries, drink, and your choice of a third food substance. Wow and it's only $6. But one look at the Jack in the Box commercial( one begins to ask, who are they pandering to?

Describe: The commercial( starts off with Jack and what looks to be a college age guy playing video games. Jack then looks up to the clock and tells the guy it's 9 pm. Jack then asks the guy if he knows what happens at 9. The guys response, "we turn into werewolves?" Jack then begins to explain his late night munchie box. The commercial ends with the two going through the same dialogue when the clock hits 9:37 pm. As in all Jack in the Box commercials, Jack is present. The ad is about 30 seconds long. I first saw it when I was watching an episode of "South Park" at around 10 pm. This ad was the first in what has been three late night munchie ads.

Analyze: The persuasive technique is plain folks. Besides Jack, the other characters in the commercials are unknowns. The ad makes us feel like the product geared toward us, with the technique used. The ad uses "Myth" as it plays on the college age kid, with the actor being used and the low price of the late night munchie meal.

Interpret: The ad is  definetly targeted at college aged kids. It is showed at times later in the evening, usually at around 9 pm. As well as usually networks that produce shows that are viewed to that demographic. There is one big stereotype in the ads which is the typical "stoner" college student. The ad shows Jack playing video games with a 20ish aged guy playing video games and talking about food, now this sounds like a scene from a "Harold and Kumar" movie.

Evaluate: Well the strength of the ads are the airing time. Speaking as a college student I see these commercials a lot. I found it hilarious because you can obviously tell what the commercial is portraying.  As well as the price of the product, being a reasonable $6.

Engage: In looking up this ad campaign online, I found that according to "USAToday"(Link) that Jack in the Box is catering to "stoned Millennials," says registered diatition Robyn Flipse. The article then goes on to describe how unhealthy the late night munchie box is. The article at states that Jack in the Box has been catering to the "party age" demographic for years using buzzwords such as "munchies curfew, late night lovers, when things get twisted." The article also notes that financial benefits of the "late night" campaign. Based on the ad I would feel purchase the product, if the need arose. I feel I would recommend the late night box to other people, based on the reasonable price.

 What I learned from this is how important these late night meals are to fast food chains. The fact that strategist are hired to come up with creative campaigns for these "late night" campaigns. What surprised me is how blunt Jack in the Box had been in their portrayal of the "stoner" character. Very blunt that there have been multiple articles written about it.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Captain Phillips" Review

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      Modern piracy on the high seas is the focal point in director Paul Greengrass' new thriller "Captain Phillips." The film tells the incredible true story of Richard Phillips and the crew of the cargo ship Maersk Alabama, as they fight to survive being held hostage by Somali pirates in 2009. The film is a taught, white-knuckle thriller throughout, filled with edge of your seat suspense. A large portion of credit for this film goes to the actors, namely Tom Hanks. Hanks adds another impressive performance to his already stellar filmography. Hanks portrays the title character Captain Richard Phillips. Hank's portrayl as the captain looking out for the safety of his crew over his own is phenomenal. The calm, cool way Hank's conducts himself during the pirate raid is exceptional acting. The true surprise performance is Barkhad Abdi as the pirate leader. Abdi is terrifying in his performance as he portrays the pirate leader as a youth renegade looking to make his mark with a hair trigger. The scenes where Hanks and Abdi clash is something to behold. Abdi is able to hold his own against the veteran Hanks, striking fear into Hanks as well as the audience.   

      While the performances are sure to be heralded, the cinematography is the heart of the film. Cinematographer Barry Ackroyd camera work is exhilarating. The take over of the ship sequence is masterfully shot, creating tension and a sense of hoplessness for the ships crew. Ackroyd doesn't give the audience a fly on the wall view, but puts us right in the action. The camera shakes creating a surreal and unpredictable atmosphere. 

     Director Greengrass is no stranger to action, directing two of the "Bourne Identity" films as well as "United 93." But now adds an impressive character study with "Captain Phillips." Greengrass focuses in on the performances of the actors, allowing them to showcase their talents and take the characters to new levels. 

    "Captain Phillips" is sure to be recognized in numerous categories come award season, and rightfully so. The film runs in at a little over two hours, but maintains your attention through the entirety. The gas is pushed to the floor and doesn't let up. A truly entertaining and important film. A must see for everyone.

At A Glance

"Captain Phillips"

Rated PG-13

Starring: Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, and Barkhad Abdirahman

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More. More. More. More. "The Wolf of Wall Street" trailer

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Poster

 Greed. Power. Fast cars. Yachts. Drugs. This is what we get in the two-minute trailer of  "The Wolf of Wall Street" trailer, the upcoming Martin Scorsese picture. Scorsese moves back to the familiar New York city where he has made his name. Scorsese teams up with Leonardo DiCaprio for their fifth picture together in what looks like their most wild ride yet.

Also shown in the trailer is a white teethed Jonah Hill, who looks to continue his foray into serious acting. As well as Matthew McConaughey who continues his career resurgence, also Kyle Chandler of "Friday Night Lights" fame, and Australian actress Margot Robbie who will be playing DiCaprio's wife.

The trailer gives us a look at the wild times the young brokers have at beach houses as well as in the office. The office shots look like a mad house. With a monkey on roller skates, marching bands, and even midget tossing at a money sign.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is scripted by Terence Winter, writer of "The Sopranos" and "Boardwalk Empire". The film is based of the memoir of the same name by Jordan Belfort. 

The trailer is truly a gift for film fans everywhere. As we know that Scorsese is back to the mean streets of New York dealing with the gangsters of wall street, teaming up with his 21st Century muse (DiCaprio). While we do have to wait for the November release, we do have the trailer to hold us over until then. From the looks of the trailer the film is sure to create some Oscar buzz come awards season. And rightfully so, this is a Martin Scorsese movie.

                                                                      At A Glance
"The Wolf of Wall Street" website: Official Website

Friday, June 7, 2013

OSU: A Campus On Dead Week

This is a series of photos taken around the Oregon State University campus during week 10, or dead week. Instead of partying and getting crazy, the students flock to the library to study as much as possible before finals week. 

A welcoming sign at the southeast corner of campus on 25th and Western St.
The sign, which sits across the football stadium parking lot, is a new
addition to the campus this year.

The reading man statue, which is placed on the east side of the Valley Library
right in the center of campus.

Bicycles, a students main form of transportation. Here is the bike racks outside
of Valley Library, at full capacity due to it being dead week.

An Oregon State student entering Valley Library to get some late night
studying in. Valley Library is the mecca where students go to cram
for finals.

An Oregon State student working on Econ homework for his final next week.
The student is a frequent visitor of Valley Library, to find a quite space to get school
work done.

Dead week is a relatively quite time around the campus of Oregon State. The pictures at Valley Library are taken from 10 pm to 11:30 pm, showing the commitment these students have to their school work. It is a stressful period for all students during this week. Many times at Valley Library you can hear, "Oh crap," or, "Why is this so hard," which accurately gives one the impression that finals are on the way.  

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pete Souza: Photographer of the Week

Pete Souza was born in 1954 in New Bedford, Mass. Souza earned a B.S in Public Communications from Boston University, and an M.S in Journalism and Mass Communications from Kansas State University(Source).

Souza's career began in the 1970's where he worked at the Chanute Tribune and Hutchinson News in Kansas(Source). Souza then moved on to the Chicago Sun-Times as a photographer. He then became the White House photographer for Ronal Reagan, in Reagan's second term.

In 2004 Souza was asked to photograph Sen. Barack Obama during his first term in the senate(source). Souza went on to photograph Sen. Obama throughout his stint in the senate and campaign for the White House. Once Obama was elected president, Souza was chosen as the White House photographer. This means that Souza is the presidents shadow, following him everywhere to take that perfect shot.

Pete Souza has also done freelance work for National Geographic and Life magazines. During this he was one of the first photojournalist to cover the War in Afghanistan after 9/11.

Pete Souza has taken many great photos of presidents, but none more iconic than the situation room picture. Photographers are taught to capture emotion, and no picture is more emotionally charged than this. President Obama's career hinges on this situation. He has everything to gain and everything to loose. Emotion fills the photo.


Pete Souza has an amazing website that is dedicated to his work. You can find it here.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

LBCC Baseball Says Goodbye

Coach Hawk getting ready to coach his final game at LBCC
on Tuesday May 14 2013

May 14, 2013 marked the end of an era. The last home game LBCC baseball history. The fans were out in full force to witness the final games. Coach Hawk personally introduced every player before the start of the game. Every player was met with a rousing ovation.

The Roadrunners came out riding the emotion of the circumstances. The defense only allowed five hits and two runs in the first game.

Ace pitcher Austin Woodward took to the mound in game one. Going the distance, Woodward allowed five hits and two runs, while striking out two.

"We were all really emotional," said Woodward, "We fed off the energy of the crowd."

The offense woke up in the fourth scoring their first run. Then adding another run in the sixth and three more in the seventh. Trevor Nix, Seth Brown, Derek Cartwright, and Jacob Herklotz led the offense with two hits each. Logan Henry and Taylor Higgins chipped in with a hit a piece.

Rocky the Roadrunner helping to get the team pumped up
before game one

"We were really pumped up in the first game and it showed," said Higgins

"We came out and played our style of ball in game one, and we got the win," said Hawk

Riding high off a game one victory, and a roaring fan base, the Roadrunners looked poised for a sweep. But as it is in all sports, not everything goes your way. Questionable calls and mental mistakes led to a 6-5 loss.

"Not every call goes your way, that's the game, and things didn't go our way in game 2," said Hawk.

Christian Morrison got the start on the mound for the Roadrunners. Morrison gave up three hits and two earned runs, while striking out three batters. Clark McKitrick and Joel Shippy came on in relief. Shippy gave up three hits and two runs(one earned).

Derek Cartwright and Reese Merriman led the offense with two hits each. Five players chipped in with one hit each.

"It's been a tough set of circumstances we have been given, but these kids responded by doing something special this year," said Hawk.

The Roadrunners finished second in the south region of the NWAACC behind Mt. Hood CC. Up next for the Roadrunners is the NWAACC playoffs in Longview, Wash. on Thursday May 23.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Roadrunner baseball in the playoffs

The 2013 LBCC baseball team's season, and program, came to an end on Saturday May 25, in the NWAACC playoffs. Due to recent budget cuts the college's baseball team was one of the athletic programs that got cut. The Roadrunners lost an 11-2 contest against Bellevue CC on Saturday.The Roadrunners were able to get 11 hits, but only scored two runs in the 9th inning. The defense played stout for four innings only giving up one run. But a Bellevue offensive explosion in the 5th inning that resulted in six runs for Bellevue.

Clark McKitrick got the start for the Roadrunner's on the mound. McKintrick went 4 1/3 innings, getting five strikeouts, allowed six hits and five runs(four earned runs). Seth Brown led the Roadrunners with three hits in five at bats. Austin Hamilton, Jacob Herklotz, and Taylor Higgins chipped in with two hits.

It was a story of missed opportunities for the Roadrunner offense, stranding eight players on base against Bellevue.

"We had a great run this year, it didn't go our way in the end, but these kids played their hearts out all year. I am extremely proud of them," said Coach Hawk, who was honored as co-conference coach of the year.

The Roadrunners opened up the NWAACC playoffs against Pierce CC on Friday, after a rain out on Thursday. Austin Woodward got the start on the mound, going six innings. Woodward gave up 10 hits, and six runs, four being earned, as well as fanning four Pierce batters.

Herklotz led the offense with three hits in four at bats. Derek Cartwright and Logan Henry added two hits, and three more players contributed with one hit.

The Roadrunners were unable to take advantage take advantage of their runners on base, leaving eight runners stranded again.

The Roadrunner ball club was filled three All-NWAACC players. Infielder Jacob Herklotz, pitcher Austin Woodward, and catcher Trevor Nix. As well as seven players named to the south division All-Star team. Coach Hawk was honored as division co-coach of the year.

The team finished the year at 28-16, 20-10 in conference.

This Roadrunner baseball team gave it their all this season. Under the difficult set of circumstances they soared instead of crumbling to the adversity of loosing the program.

                                                                        At A Glance

Playoff news: Here

Roadrunner team stats/news: Here

Team website

Friday, May 24, 2013

Six Roadrunners Named to All-Star Conference Team

Six LB Roadrunner baseball players have been named to the NWAACC all-star team. Five players were named on the first team. Those players included:
 shortstop Austin Hamilton
 first basemen Jacob Herklotz
 outfielder Seth Brown
 pitcher Austin Woodward
 catcher Trevor Nix.
 Taylor Higgins was named to the second team all-stars for the outfield. The Roadrunners are currently doing battle against Pierce in Longview, Wash. for the NWAACC playoffs.

                                                          At A Glance
Full Team of All-Star teams: NWAACC website

My Neighborhood

Two Corvallis city workers get to work on the city drainage system
on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon
while the two elders observe

A pair of sneakers hang from the telephone wire outside my
apartment of 15th St. in Corvallis, Oregon

The clock tower a top the Benton County Courthouse
in Corvallis, Oregon

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

LBCC Host Diversity Day

It was a blistering sunny May day as LBCC hosted diversity day. The Linn-Benton courtyard was filled with Native American dancer's, information tables from LBCC clubs, and a large number of spectators enjoying the sun and entertainment. The focus of the event was to "Connect Cultures."

During the beginning of the day, the LBCC Gay Straight Alliance performed a mock gay marriage. Four members took part, and was well received by the crowd. The performance and the great reception was a great sign that it was going to be an informative and fun day.

Painted Sky Native American dancers, Chinese dancers, and African drummers graced the courtyard, and put on quite a show for all in attendance. The Painted Sky Native American dancers enjoyed performing and informing the audience of their culture. "This is who we are, and this is what we do, what we believe," said Mary Hager, artistic director for the Painted Sky Native Americans.

The African drummers performed traditional African drum songs. The performers were really animated with their performance, which really drew the attention of the audience that allowed them to engage in the performance.

"We are really proud of the turn out," said Javier Cervantes, director of the Diversity Achievement Center.

"We wanted people to become aware of, and learn about how different cultures live through their traditions." Cervantes said

With the performances of different ethnic, and belief groups, all of the people who made up the audience could agree that the day was a success, as well as a lot of fun

Monday, May 20, 2013

LB baseball vs. Lane CC: Photos

Sophomore outfielder Seth Brown celebrates
an RBI double during game 1 of the Roadrunners
final home game vs Lane CC

Head coach Greg Hawk coaching his final game for the Roadrunners.
Hawk has given most of his adult life to this program and brought
the program to prominence

The Roadrunner baseball team, along with Rocky, huddle around coach Hawk for one
last time at home. The last LBCC baseball home game on May 14, 2003

Sophomore Austin Hamilton gets ready to hit the first pitch of the
game vs Lane CC. Hamilton is the last leadoff batter for the Roadrunner

Monday, May 13, 2013

ONPA Journalism Awards Photos

A group of college students and advisors at the LBCC hosted
ONPA awards ceremony on Friday May 10, 2013 

The Commuter staff from left to right, Ronald Borst, Sean Bassinger,
and Marci Sischo enjoying some coffee at the commons cafeteria
before the OPNA awards

The Commuter's copy editor Ted Holliday deciding on
what workshop to go to during the OPNA awards ceremony

Monday, May 6, 2013

LBCC Diversity Day

A Native American woman performing a ritual dance at the LBCC diversity day
in the courtyard 

A Native American woman performing at the LBCC diversity day

A Native American Man performing at the LBCC diversity day

The Native American group performing at the LBCC diversity day

A man performing with bongo drums at the LBCC diversity day

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Taylor Higgins Profile

IMG_6730.JPG (4467KB, 2592 x 3888)
#9 Taylor Higgins
Photo courtesy of  Michael DeChellis.

 Reno, Nevada has a population of 225,221 and is known as "The biggest little city in the world." Reno is also the place that Roadrunner baseball player Taylor Higgins calls home.

Higgins is a freshman outfielder for the Roadrunner baseball team that currently finds themselves at 22-12 and second place in the NWAACC South Region.

Higgins had a somewhat unconventional path to LBCC. "I was in California and looking for somewhere to play," Higgins said, "I was doing research online and found out that Oregon community colleges had low tuition, and I saw the success that LB baseball has had, so I got on the phone with coach (Greg) Hawk and came to Albany."

"I knew he could play, and I want ball players on my team." Coach Hawk said

All athletes have expectations of themselves going into a season, especially athletes going into their first year with a new team. Taylor Higgins has these expectations of himself, "I knew that to pursue and achieve my goals I was going to have to beat some guys out, so I got right to work when I got here."

In 52 at bats this season Higgins has 18 hits, a .404 batting average with 10 runs batted in, not to shabby for a freshman. 

"He has great batting numbers, which has come from more plate appearances as the season has progressed," said Hawk.

Normally baseball players come to LBCC to play for two-years, but recently tragedy struck the LBCC baseball program. Due to recent budget problems the decision came down to cut the colleges baseball program. With this being Higgins first year at LB it was a tough pill to swallow knowing that he won't be able to play the two-years he came to LB to play. "I am heart broken, completely disappointed in the decision that has been made," Higgins said.

"I expected to play two-years here, and now its gone," Higgins voices his frustration.

"Coach Hawk had been great for us first-year players, calling around to get our names out there to other programs so we can continue to play." Said Higgins

The LB baseball club has been having great success this season. Knowing that this season is the baseball programs "swan song" has provided great motivation for the team to do something great. "It is the stuff movies are made of, you know the concept of the last season being the best season" Higgins said.

The LB baseball team still has two more weeks of games as they get ready for the playoffs. But Higgins is already thanking his teammates and coaches during his time at LB. "I want to say thank you to my coaches for the opportunity I have been given and the memories I have made, but most of all thank you to coach Hawk who gave me a chance."

                                                                             At A Glance
                                                              Taylor Higgins Freshman outfielder #9
                                                                          Player Profile here

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

LB vs Mt. Hood pictures

Freshman pitcher #8 Jordan Farley fires a pitch
in the first inning of game 1 against Mt. Hood CC

#27 Brady Thomas greets #4 Reese Merriman 
after the bottom of the second inning against
Mt. Hood CC

#6 Logan Henry is greeted by teammates durring the Roadrunners 
first game against Mt. Hood CC

Roadrunners #10 James Leach and #23 Brandon Farley greet 
#7 Derek Cartwright durring game 1of 2 vs Mt. Hood CC

Monday, April 29, 2013

Profile Pictures

                                         Linn Benton student Willy McLaughlin reading notes on
                                         his computer at the Benton Center in Corvallis

Linn Benton student Willy McLaughlin at the Benton Center

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earth Day photos

A group of LBCC students visiting sustainability booths 
at the LBCC courtyard for the Earth Day fair

LBCC instructor Denis Green awaiting to inform students 
about different energy sources at the LBCC Earth Day
sustainability fair

LBCC instructor Denis Green informs a student about 
the importance of solar panels at the LBCC Earth Day 
sustainability fair

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Roadrunners conquer the Titans in a double-header

    The Roadrunners before Game 1 against Lane CC on April 9th 2013

The LBCC Roadrunners were victorious in both games Tuesday, on a gloomy cold day in Albany in front of their home crowd against the Titans from Lane CC. The Roadrunners took the first game by a score of 3-1, and the second game with a shutout score of 3-0.The Roadrunners entered the two game series on the heels of a two game winning streak, by the days end the streak is at four games, with an overall record of 11-5.

The Roadrunners are currently 13-5, 5-1 in the south region of the NWAACC, and currently 9-1 in the last 10 games. The Roadrunners next game is at South West Oregon CC on April 11th.

The first game saw Austin Marsh start on the mound for the Roadrunners. Marsh went 5 2/3 innings giving up one run and five hits, while striking out three Titan batters. Joel Shippy came onto the mound with two outs in the sixth with the bases loaded. Shippy got out of the jam and pitch for no hits during the remaining 3 1/3 innings.

"The team really did a great job of backing me up on both defense and offense," Marsh said, "Making the plays we needed to win."

The defense was their usually fundamentally sound selves, communicating, and hustling to make plays to get the needed outs. This caused both the pitchers in game one to perform with ease, knowing the defense was behind them.

Austin Hamilton lead the offensive attack in game one, going 2-4 hitting a double and a triple, as well as scoring a run. Jacob Herklotz and Jordan Farley each chipped in with a hit, while Farley and Logan Henry each scored one run.

"We came out with good energy today," said coach Hawk, "We need to come out with the same energy for game 2."

Transitioning to game two coach Hawk said, "We are right where we want to be, we have Austin Woodward, our ace, starting game two."

Woodward went 6 innings, giving up 7 hits and 0 runs while fanning 5 Titan batters. Shippy again came on the mound in relief in game two for 1 inning. Shippy gave up no hits and walked one batter.

The Roadrunner offense exploded for eight hits in the game Derek Cartwright led the team with two hits, while six batters tied with one hit. Logan Henry scored two runs for the Roadrunners, and Taylor Higgins added another run.

The Roadrunners are certainly on a roll. The team is playing with a high level of confidence, which is needed when heading into a road series. 

                                                               At A Glance
Next game: Away at SW Oregon CC on April 11
Redord: 11-5 overall, 5-1 in conference region
Scores: vs. Lane CC, 3-1, 3-0
Team and Conference info: NWAACC website and team website

Roadrunners v Titans pics

                                         The Roadrunners together for the National Anthem
                                          before game 1

                                         Starting pitcher Austin Marsh fires the opening pitch
                                         during game 1 vs Lane CC

                                         Jacob Herklotz watches on from the dugout while his teammate 
                                          gets ready at the plate during game 1

                                        Teammates Josh Hanson and Reese Merriman celebrate 
                                        another scoreless inning during game 1

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rebranding OSU Athletics

The crowd inside the Oregon State alumni center erupts when the student athletes emerge out to show case the new Nike uniforms. What a breath of fresh air they are. The new uniforms are stunning and really amazing. The football team has orange helmets for the first time since the glory days of Oregon State football.   Hopefully we can bring those days back to Corvallis with this overhaul of the athletics department.

Oregon State athletic director Bob De Carolis said before the athletes came out, "Oregon State Athletics has undergone a tremendous transformation in the last 15 years and our new brand identity is another sign that the Beavers continue to confidently move forward, ultimate goal for the rebrand is to attract high-caliber student-athletes to a contemporary brand, while respecting our heritage.”


logo change


 The new logo is supposed to reflect the essence of the university. Which through the two year work of this rebranding Nike found that these essence's are, heritage, strength, victory, united, innovation, tenacity, dedication, and integrity. Thus is how we find ourselves with the new beaver logo. Sharp teeth, pointed nose, and a scowl, it is the angry beaver. The angry beaver is more intimidating than the logos in the past.

After being brought up to speed behind the two-year process, the new uniforms were unveiled. starting with girls cross country with two uniform combinations. Next girls and mens basketball, each with three uniforms. Then both mens and womens soccer with three uniforms each. For the big event three football players came out with three different uniforms and three helmets, drawing a huge reaction from the crowd.


These have been the biggest innovation in the history of Oregon State University athletics. But why all the flash you might ask? Well head football coach Mike Riley took to twitter to address this question. On twitter he said, "This rebranding is about 3 things. 1. Recruiting 2. Recruiting 3. Recruiting. Talking to you Class of 2014!"

Twitter  exploded with fan reaction to the event. Third year student Willy McLaughlin said, "This definitely gives us a great chance to make some headway across the nation, instead of being considered the little brothers in the state(inferring U of O)."

For some it took a second glance to warm up to the new branding idea. Like third year student Michael Skipper said, "At first sight I wasn't to sure, but looking at it again I really do like it. The different combinations are the best part, not just for football, but for all the sports. This is really exciting."

But it is not for everyone. Fans posting on twitter have voiced their opposition to the new logo. Criticizing the look, saying it looks like a nutria, naked mole rat, along with many others. Of course University of Oregon fans seized the opportunity to poke fun at the rebranding. But De Carolis reassured everyone that this is not the case, as he told The Oregonian, "It's not about anything that is going on in Eugene. It's about getting a consistent look for us that has a little bit of a cool factor. We're going to be plain and simple with the three uniforms. You could do different combinations, but we're going to stay true to what (Nike) gave us."

It would not be a bad thing if what happened in Eugene ends up happening in Corvallis. What that means is that when U of O started getting their ridiculous uniforms, including combinations that for some reason include their rivals colors, they became national champion contenders. Could all their success be credited to the uniforms? Maybe, maybe not, but it is a coincidence. 

No matter where you fall on the liking or not liking of the logo we all can agree on one thing, it gives the university a great head start into next years recruiting season. It definitely gives the athletic programs a huge boost of confidence heading into their next seasons, because the university has invested a lot into these uniforms for these athletes.Which means they know the university and fans are behind them . Also it brings an extra incentive for the fans to come out and support the teams in their snazzy new uniforms.

                                                                  At A Glance
The sports that will showcase their new uniforms for 2013 are: mens and womens soccer, cross country, mens and womens basketball, and football .For all things Oregon State football you can visit the official Oregon State Athletics website to find out more about the rebranding, along with all things Oregon State athletics. Want your opinion heard on the new OSU look? Comment and let us know what you think.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oscars 2013

February 24, 2013 marked the 85th annual Academy Awards, the night where the best in film is celebrated. The Academy Awards was drawing interest before the stars were dawning the red carpet. It started when it was announced that Seth MacFarlane would be the host of the award show. MacFarlane, for those of you how don't know, is the creator of such brow raising shows as "Family Guy", "American Dad", and the hit movie of the summer "Ted". The announcement of MacFarlane as the host drew in viewers to see who the funny man could piss off on the most elegant night in Hollywood. As it turns out it became the most watched Academy Awards since 2004.

The nominations and snubs also brought a lot of attention to the award show. The most notable snubs were in the directing category. Ben Affleck, star and director of "Argo", failing to receive a best director nomination while his film was nominated for 7 awards and won 3 including best picture. The other glaring omission was Kathryn Bigelow for her directorial work on "Zero Dark Thirty." This film was nominated for 5 awards winning 1.

"Lincoln" came into the ceremony lead the field with 12 nominations winning two, including lead actor for Daniel Day-Lewis, who also made Oscar history for winning his third best actor statue. Quvenzhane Wallis also made Oscar history for being the youngest person, age 9, to be nominated for best lead actress. "Life Of Pi" received 11 nominations winning 4, including a surprising win for Ang Lee for best director. The 4 wins would make "Life Of Pi" the most wins for any of the nominated films.

"Silver Linings Playbook" came into the night with 8 nominations, including 1 nomination in all four acting categories, along with best director for David O. Russell and best picture. Jennifer Lawrence picked up the best lead actress Oscar for the film and while on her way to receive her Oscar she tripped and hit the deck. she was able to laugh about it and poke fun at it to the press back stage. It was the films only Oscar.

While accepting an Oscar for best picture, Ben Affleck gave one of the best Oscars speech in the history on the ceremony where he urges people to get up and keep trying after you get knocked down.

Christoph Waltz won best supporting actor for "Django Unchained", Quentin Tarantino won an Oscar for best original screenplay for "Django Unchained" which was the films only two Oscar wins. Anne Hathaway won best supporting actress for "Les Miserables", one of the films 3 Oscars.

The ceremony had two special guest appearances. The first was William Shatner posing as Captain Kirk from "Star Trek". He appeared on a big screen and told MacFarlane that he came back in time to help him not mess up as the host, the opening bit between these two was hilarious. MacFarlane definitely look like he belonged on the stage as host, he had plenty of highlights for his nights work. The second guest appearance was a little more surprising. The First Lady Michelle Obama announced the best picture winner, probably because Jack Nicholson was getting a little to distracted by the possibilities of the after parties.

With MacFarlane at the helm the Oscars saw its best rating in years according to the, according to the Nielsen rating system. Most notably the ratings were up in the 18 to 49 demographic, which is what was targeted with MacFarlane as host. All in all the show went well, with only one winner being cut off by the orchestra. Now the time has come where the films of substance are over until next fall, and ushered in are the expensive blockbusters with explosions galore.

                                                               At A Glance:

Most Nominations:                                                                          Wins:

12- "Lincoln"                                                                             4- "Life Of Pi"
11- "Life Of Pi"                                                                          3- "Argo" and "Les Miserables"
8- "Les Miserables" and "Silver Linings Playbook"                      2- "Django Unchained" "Lincoln"  "Skyfall"
7- "Argo"                                                                                    Nine films won 1 Oscar
5- "Armour" "Django Unchained" "Skyfall"
  and "Zero Dark Thirty"
4- "Anna Karenina" "Beats of The Southern Wild"
3- "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" "The Master"
2- "Flight" "Snow White and The Huntsman"